Monday, August 19, 2013

Lil' Strikers teaches more than just soccer skills

Lil' Strikers is more than just soccer lessons - the classes teach kids 18 months to 9 years coordination, listening skills and most importantly (to me) balance through fun games and activities with their parent/caregiver and/or peers. If you're looking for an activity for your kids this year when they are back in school, this could definitely be it.

You know how when you were younger your mom yelled at you, "One day I hope you have a kid just like you!" when you did something wrong or said something that upset her? My Mom never said that to me about my absolute worst fear - that Hannah will be as klutzy as I was am. (Although I do also fear all the times my Mom used that line in regards to my behaviour.)

When I was two, I walked into a wall. When I was 24, I found a letter from my paediatrician about the incident which stated I have a balance problem and injuries resulting from my lack of balance would plague me my entire life (or that's what she wrote in layman's terms). I don't know where that doctor is now, but she was correct. And maybe if Lil' Strikers had existed when I was little my parents would never had to go through that ordeal (or have a whole photo album of me looking like a raccoon).

This past weekend Chris, Hannah and I were able to attend an open house at the Lil' Strikers GTA at their Soccerworld (on Cherry Street) location. There was a clown who did face painting and balloon animals, a colouring station, obstacle courses and of course, the biggest pull, the chance to try out a class.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Disney Baby encourages creative, fun play

One of my favourite things to do with Hannah is play. Her personality shines through when she is pretending to talk into a phone (really a credit card), not colouring in the lines of her colouring book or attempting to sing Ring-A-Round the Rosie.

She really likes music. She likes to sing. She likes to dance. And she LOVES to play instruments.

We recently introduced her to the Baby Einstein: Discovering Music Activity Table and she’s a big fan. As soon as it came through the door, she was pressing the keys of the keyboard and was impatient as Chris and I got it out of the box and put the legs on (I guess a few minutes to a toddler for their dream toy feels like forever.)

She loves switching the toy from English, to French, to Spanish. There are various “areas” of the toy but her favourite remains the keyboard. (I like this area best too, it plays one of the melodies from her Baby Neptune Ocean Adventure Gym – a toy I HAD to purchase before she was even born.) The way the keys light up keep her attention and she loves hearing the different sounds.

Friday, August 09, 2013

Daycares are like dating - Trust your gut

I went back to work in January. Hannah started at her third daycare this week.

With the unfortunate news of the toddler who died at a home daycare with 27(!) kids in the GTA, a lot of parents are questioning how other parents could have left their children in the sketchy situation being described by media outlets.

I'm not here to judge anyone - a toddler has lost her life, parents have lost their daughter.

Growing up, my Mom had a gold star next to her name at my elementary school after making a stink about multiple things on multiple occasions. She was nice until she had a reason not to be. I am my Mother's Daughter.

As anyone who knows me in real life will attest to, I wear my heart on my sleeve - or more accurately my anger on my face (and in my voice, over the phone).

Hannah is the most precious gift I have ever been given, and she is the one thing in this world I am most passionate about. I'm a protective Mama Bear who growls if anyone tries to mess with my cub.