Monday, February 23, 2015

Educate your child & yourself with the Ontario College of Teachers

I wanted to be a teacher when I grew up – at least I did until about Grade 8. That's when I discovered you could actually write for a living, which began my quest to get in to Ryerson’s Journalism Program. Spoiler alert: I succeeded. If my Grade 8 English teacher Ms. Markham hadn't noticed my flair for writing, I may have never gone to Journalism school or, many years later, started this blog. The piece I wrote that impressed her was an instructional one, about making my favourite meal – Kraft Dinner – and she actually found it interesting!

Another teacher who left a lasting impression on me was my high school Physics teacher Mr. Kinsman. Even though I was never good at math, he somehow always made formulas so interesting and entertaining - and therefore easy for me to remember. In fact, even though it wasn’t a requirement for any of the university programs I was applying to, I liked his class so much I continued taking Physics right through OAC.

As a kid, I always thought being a teacher would be awesome. As an adult who now has a kid, I’m in awe of teachers. I have many friends who teach and the amount of work they put in to their profession outside of the classroom is astounding.

Did you know that every teacher in publicly funded elementary and secondary schools in Ontario must be certified by the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT)? Once teachers have successfully completed a teacher education program, they apply to the College for a Certificate of Qualification and Registration, which is their license to teach in Ontario.

You can find a teacher using the OCT’s public register. Simply visit The records include the teacher’s qualifications, date of initial certification, status with the college and disciplinary history (if applicable).

While on the OCT website you can also sign up for The Standard, the OCT’s free electronic newsletter. In it you will find information about college services, how the college works to ensure high standards in education, reports on education trends and changes in education legislation.

If you would like more frequent updates from the OCT, make sure you follow them on Twitter @OCT_OEEO, Facebook and YouTube.

Did you have a teacher who left a lasting impression on you? Has your child met theirs yet?

This post was sponsored by the Ontario College of Teachers but opinions and experiences shared here are my own.

 © 2015 YYZ Bambina. All Rights Reserved.


  1. Anonymous3/11/2015

    I had a few teachers both in elementary school and high school who made a lasting impression...some favorable some less so! My daughter is only 18 months, but she has a favourite teacher at her daycare. She lights up when she sees her and it makes drop off in the mornings tolerable. It is nice to think that she is with someone all day who makes her happy.

  2. Anonymous3/11/2015

    While there are elementary school teachers I still remember fondly, the ones who had the greatest impact and put me on a similar writing path were two high school English teachers: Ms. Leigh Thornton and Ms. Monica De Jersey. Not only did they recognize my love and talent for writing, but they founded the school’s first student newspaper and ensured I was part of the masthead even though I wasn’t much of a joiner at the time. I’ll forever be grateful for their contributions to my decision to go into journalism, which later translated to my becoming a movie reviewer.

  3. I had several teachers (in elementary and highschool) that made a huge impact on me - they encouraged me to push my limits and not always stay in my comfort zone (which at the time was math and science).

    I recently reconnected with them a few years ago and it was interesting to hear what they thought about me as a student way back when. They weren't surprised when I told them what I ended up studying in university but also weren't shocked either when I told them I had left the corporate world to do something unrelated to engineering.

    Now that I have kids of my own and many friends who are teachers, I realize now how challenging and rewarding teaching is as a profession. They put in so time after hours and always have their students on their mind. Thanks to some amazing teachers my daughter has had (she's only been in public school for 3 years so far), she's come out of her shell, is more confident at voicing her opinions and gets excited for school every morning.


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