Saturday, December 08, 2012

Hacking of the Bangs?

When I found out I was carrying a little girl, there was only one thing that scared me.

It wasn't boys breaking her heart. It wasn't taking her bra shopping for the first time. It wasn't even explaining to her what a menstrual cycle is.

It's her hair.

My hair will never be as stylish as this,
and therefore neither will Hannah's
I'm not a Lauren Conrad-type (I don't even WANT to admit the amount of hours I've stood in front of a mirror trying to do that side braid thing she does). I wear my hair parted to the side, or in a ponytail. On bad hair days, it goes into a floppy bun. Rarely I add a hairband. That's it.

Of course my baby was blessed with a lot of hair when she was born. She's not even a year yet, and has more hair than some 2 year olds I've seen.

And now her bangs are in her eyes. And I'm at a loss for what to do.

Barrettes stay in for maybe 30 minutes. Headbands last 30 seconds (on a good day). And her hair isn't long enough yet for me to put it up in that uber cute Pebbles hairdo.

So do I cut her bangs myself? Is it worth a terrifying trip to the hair salon (terrifying for me, more than her)?

I need to make a decision soon. Christmas is nearly here, and many photos will be snapped. And if I hack Hannah's bangs the way my Mom hacked mine, they will need some time to grow out.


Do you cut your child's bangs/hair?

© 2012 YYZ Bambina. All Rights Reserved.


  1. My mom cut my bangs once or twice...just don't do it haha. It was such a disaster.

  2. I cut my daughters bangs all the time at home with a little trimmer, it works great. Then, about twice a year I take her to the salon for a professional cut. Works for me.

    1. I need to be on the look out for a trimmer. Thanks!

  3. I shave our son's head, but I will leave it to a professional to do our daughters hair (as soon as it's long enough, she's only 1).

  4. I would NEVER cut anyone's hair, too scared to mess it up. I would .eave it to theprofessionals

  5. I have always cut the kids hair. If you need tips there are likely lots of YouTube vidoe's that can guide you.

  6. Both my son and daughter were born with mass amounts of hair, and my daughter was sporting ponies well before a year old lol. I was also worried about I never gave her bangs! LOL. She's 3 and just like me, doesn't have bangs :) It's SO much easier! I used to have bangs when I was younger, but it was too much work for me to keep up with hehe. Bangs or no bangs, both look cute and if you can maintain them, either way will work!

    1. Another good bangs = no trimming...maybe I just have to be a little more patient!

  7. My opinion? Leave it to the pros all the way! Especially if you're nervous about things! My daughter did AWESOME her first two times at the salon - very patient. Her 2nd hair cut took all of 7 minutes. :) Is there a reason you find the idea of a salon trip so terrifying?

    1. I'm afraid she'll turn her head, cry and have it look as bad as if I had just done it at home with less stress...

  8. I definitely couldn't do it because I don't have sharp enough scissors at my house. Always take it the the "pros" and then I can blame it on them if it looks bad! :)

    1. Hmm the option of blaming someone else IS appealing :)

  9. I've never understood those little girls with perfectly symmetric braids wrapping around their heads. I can barely get my daughter to brush hers. But I'm also guilty of the side part and and many-a-ponytail. I've cut my daughters bangs before and although they've probably been a little bit crooked, I bet no one else can tell. I've also taken her to a hair salon too but I have yet to find a good one for kids.

  10. I understand! My little one went through that phase. I cut bangs once and then let them just grow..wonky..but cute and am glad that I am not committed to trimming bangs. I too have tried and failed that side braid many times!

  11. I just let my daughter's bangs flop down but they're pretty thin so far so they usually end flopping to the side so don't really get in her eyes. There's no way I'm cutting her hair, because she hardly had any hair for so long. I know what you mean about barettes and hairbands not staying in. My daughter immediately pulls them off. It drives me crazy because so they look so ridiculously cute. I know what you mean about that LC braid. I tried it but realized that it's a french braid, and I don't really know how to do french braids. For a while I just did a regular braid pseudo-LC-style and pinned it back. Now, I'm starting to feel like I'm too old for that kind of look and it makes me sad!


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