Monday, July 07, 2014

Super Duper Canadian Kids Content on Netflix Canada #StreamTeam

When I was little I loved to sing. A lot. Hannah is the same. It's not unusual to hear her sing in the car, while playing with her toys and she pretty much always does it while she's colouring. One of her favourite songs to sing is "Hip, hip, hooray....the super readers saved the day...". If you are unfamiliar with the tune, you haven't watched Super Why!, a great Canadian show that streams on Netflix Canada.

Super Why! follows the adventures of the super readers...all storybook characters (save Whyatt, the leader, who's older brother is Jack from the Jack and the Beanstalk). Whyatt, along with Pig (from the Three Little Pigs), Red (from Little Red Riding Hood) and Princess Pea (the daughter of the Princess from The Princess and the Pea). In later seasons, Whyatt's dog also joins the Super Readers.

An episode begins with a "super big problem" faced by one of the team. Then they jump into a book as superheroes to see how others have solved the same sort of issue in the past. Throughout the episode they learn letters, the alphabet, spelling and reading. As tasks are completed, super letters appear and Super Why (Whyatt) puts them in to the super duper computer which formulates the answer to the super big problem. By the end of the episode, the super readers have saved the day by helping their friends and the characters in the book (and sing a snazzy song informing their readers of said fact).

Over all, the series is very educational (even if it takes forever for them to put the super letters into the super duper computer) and the songs are very catchy (I even catch myself singing the alphabet to Hannah the way Pig sings it on the show).

Another Canadian show we love on Netflix is Bo on the Go! As a Mom, watching Bo with Hannah is sometimes the only exercise I manage to squeeze in. It's perfect for a rainy day because the show really does get one moving. Bo, along with her dragon Dizzy, go through magical doors to find whoever is causing them a problem. In order to get to each door, the pair have to use animoves (moving like animals) and require those watching at home to do the animoves too - giving Bo more energy to be able to make it to the next door. Bo encourages the kids to do the moves with her...and in turn, Hannah encourages ME to join her doing the moves.

What Canadian kids content do you watch on Netflix?

Disclosure: I am part of the Netflix #StreamTeam. As always, opinions on this blog are my own.

© 2014 YYZ Bambina. All Rights Reserved.

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