Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Join the Swiffer Man Clean Movement #PGmom #Review #Giveaway

Amir Johnson from the Toronto Raptors has partnered with Swiffer to change the definition of Man Clean, encouraging men to boast about their cleaning swagger. After reviewing his tips on how to clean like a man, unofficial P&Gdad Chris decided to share his own tips in the post below.

When it comes to cleaning, men have a bad reputation. And I can’t say it’s not warranted. I lived with male roommates for several years and we were often lax on household chores. I’ve certainly been guilty of cutting corners in the past. But since I’ve been with Sarah I’ve tried to step up my cleaning game. Whenever I find myself alone in the house, I make it a point to set aside some time and clean. Sarah does the same when I’m out of the house, and so between the two of us we’re a pretty great clean team.

Here’s my own tried-and-true advice for a great “Man Clean”:

1) Music as motivation – Amir Johnson is right: putting on your favourite tunes is the ideal way to get in the right headspace for tackling a cleanup. Personally, I go with heavy metal for that extra edge; listening to punishing riffs whilst punishing dirt is how I roll.

2) Dust furniture before cleaning floors – This sounds like a no-brainer, but I can’t tell you how many times I’ve forgotten to dust first. It’s a sure-fire way to end up cleaning the floor all over again. So before you hit the floor, save yourself the unnecessary effort and grab a Swiffer Duster. It traps and locks up to three times more dust than a regular feather duster. So you’re assured of a good clean, top to bottom.

3) Don’t cut corners, aim for them – Approximately 99.9% of crumbs, dust and dirt can be found in corners. That’s not based on any kind of scientific research, just plain old experience. Unless you have huge dust bunnies slash tumbleweeds rolling around on your floor, corners are the culprit. So attack the edges, nooks and crannies with a Swiffer WetJet to ensure maximum dirt elimination. Its floor cleaner solutions are specially formulated to break up and dissolve tough messes. Then the thick WetJet pad traps and locks them away forever, sending a strong message to its dirty buddies that they’re not welcome on your floor. Got a particularly pesky patch? Try the powerful scrub strip – it’ll send those dried-on spots and messes to oblivion.

Follow this handy advice and you’ll find yourself not only with a great “Man Clean”, but also some extra time to watch football or play Mario Kart or whatever it is you do with your precious free time. I’m not judging.

To learn more about the man clean movement and to get a Swiffer coupon, visit http://www.showyourclean.ca.

One lucky YYZ Bambina reader will win an Ultimate Swiffer Man Clean Kit (Approx. $78* value):
  • Swiffer WetJet - $24.99
  • Swiffer WetJet pads - $9.99
  • Swiffer WetJet Multi-Purpose Solution - $6.99
  • Swiffer 360 Dusters - $10.99
  • Swiffer Sweeper Starter Kit - $16.99
  • Swiffer Sweeper pads - $7.79

By entering the following contest you are accepting that if you win your contact information will be shared with a P&G PR and shipping agency for the purpose of mailing your prize. Please allow 4-6 weeks from the contest closure date to receive your prize. This giveaway may appear on other blogs as part of the #PGmom program. However, to be fair, you can only win once per giveaway. If your name is chosen more than once, another winner will be selected. All winners must be from within Canada excluding Quebec. Valid entries only. Contest ends October 26th, 2014. For further contest rules, refer to the Terms and Conditions within the Rafflecopter. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I am a P&Gmom/mamanP&G. As part of my affiliation with this group I receive products and special access to P&G events and opportunities. The opinions on this blog are my own.

 © 2014 YYZ Bambina. All Rights Reserved.


  1. I use vinegar to clean most everything especially windows.
    Florence C

  2. My cleaning tip is to fill the sink with hot soapy water right after dinner. You hate the see the water get cold so it makes you do the dishes

  3. clean and tidy one room at a time

  4. Do a quick tidy everyday and a big clean once a week

  5. Clean the bathroom while the kids are in the tub. Might as well use the time!! And scrub the tub once you pull the kids out as it's already full of water!

  6. Anonymous10/07/2014

    Clean one area/room at a time, don't get ambitious and try to clean more than one area/room at a time!

  7. Never leave things laying around, clean up and put it away right away.

  8. I keep a clutter catcher (a fancy basket) on each floor of my house. At the end of the day I empty the baskets so clutter doesn't build up.

  9. Try and always keep up with the cleaning. I find when you do its easier!!

  10. Use a Q-tip to clean the scum around the kitchen drain

  11. My tip is to clean when you can - for example when the kids are bathing and you are watching them, you could clean the bathroom while watching them.

  12. orange zest in a little vinegar and water combo will make things clean and smell great.

  13. Clean up your mess right away and then go on to the next room.

  14. Clean as you go and its always easier in the end!

    RAFFLECOPTER NAME is Anne Taylor

  15. clean a little everyday that way it's easier to keep up

  16. keep the house tidy and clean every day,so its never a big job!

  17. If you have cooked on food on your oven, put a wet cloth over it n wait a bit and it whipes clean

  18. I enlist my son, he's just the right height to clean lower shelves use the swiffer and fold his laundry.

  19. Don't try to tackle a huge mess or reorganization project in one go.

  20. pick up the little things or they will turn into a big pile

  21. I boil a cup of lemon water in the microwave, then it is just so easy to wipe out leavving it clean and fresh!

  22. I always make a list when I start cleaning

  23. Clean as you go so you do't have a big mess!

  24. I use vinegar mixed with dawn dish soap as my cleaner. Cleans everything.

  25. My cleaning tip would be: don't have kids LOL. I have 5 and every time I clean one room, they destroy three other rooms. I guess try to clean as you go :)

  26. Keep the cleaning wipes handy, they are amazing for quick touch ups, wiping off handprints, light switches etc.

  27. I have found water and ammonia in a spray bottle the best window cleaner. And I use a old cotton t shirts so no lint. And no streaks.

  28. Use vinegar on your floors as it leaves them super clean!

  29. I use vinegar to clean the windows, sink and microwave.

  30. If you want to clean your microwave, put a bowl of water with lemon juice in, heat it up , then use a cloth to clean the microwave and the stuck on food should come off easily

  31. I microwave my dishwashing cloth in a bowl with some vinegar to kill the germs in it but it also makes the microwave really easy to wipe clean.

  32. Victoria Ess10/08/2014

    Clean up after yourself regularly -- it makes a "big clean" easier.

  33. I keep a full set of cleaning supplies on each floor. That way I can easily grab what I need for a two minute clean up.

  34. Make a list and clean one room at a time. Don't move to the next room until the first one is done

  35. When cleaning, have all the supplies you need on hand...makes getting it done much easier.

  36. My tip is to try to pick up regularly making cleaning not so bad.

  37. pick up as the day goes on

  38. The only tip I have is stay on top of things--don't let it pile up.

  39. use glad press and seal on the shelves of your fridge and when it's time to clean just peel it off. nice and clean and ready to go again!

  40. My tip is to take 30 minutes a day to go around, pick up items and return them to where they belong. Helps to keep thing tidy and easier to clean. (Judy Cowan)

  41. i like taking quick tidy up moments

  42. Do a little cleaning every day. You don't get overwhelmed.

  43. I am entering your giveaway.
    It would be great to win an Ultimate Swiffer Man Clean Kit.
    In response to your requirement to Share a cleaning tip.
    My cleaning tip is Freshen the toilet bowl with effervescent tablets
    (denture or antacid) in between scourings.
    Drop two in the water, let soak for at least 20 minutes,
    then brush and flush.
    A can of cola dumped in for one hour also does the trick.
    The phosphoric acid in this mixture removes rust rings and other mineral deposits.
    Thank you for having this giveaway!!!!!!!!!!!!

  44. Clean up a bit each day and put things where they belong.

  45. Keep your cleaning supplies close by and accessible. Not only does it become convenient, but you can quickly jump on a stain problem before the stain becomes difficult to move.

  46. keep baking soda and vinegar on hand for quick and easy clean ups

  47. when cleaning glass I always use newspaper instead of a cloth or paper towels. I find less streaking and stuff sticking to the glass

  48. Music - music makes cleaning so much easier.

  49. Always clean up after your pets. If you leave it, it smells even if you dont notice it, others do.

  50. Assign everyone in the family chores..why should Mom have to do everything!!

    Lori R Jackson

  51. I recommend picking one chore at a time. It doesn't seem so difficult then and when it's done you feel you've accomplished. Don't try doing everything in one day

  52. I pick a room each day to clean this way its not too much to do at once.

  53. I use vinegar and water to clean glass and clean a little at a time

  54. Anonymous10/11/2014

    Bailey Dexter I always clean as I go, this way not a big mess at the end of the week to clean-up on day off!

  55. Do a bit of cleaning every day so it doesn't pile up on you.

  56. Use a magic eraser to clean the bathroom tiles

  57. Anonymous10/11/2014

    if you run outta swiffer pads you can put a sock over the swiffer head

  58. Water down fabric softener and spray on curtains for a fresh scent.

  59. Make a cleaning schedule including one catch up day in case you miss a day. That way you can do a little bit all week. :)

  60. work from one end of the house to the other

  61. I always start at the top and work my way down.

  62. Anonymous10/12/2014

    My cleaning tip is to not let it get overwhelming and clean smaller areas at a time as you go.

  63. Tidy up every day, makes cleaning day easier because you are not spending your time putting things away

  64. Vinegar cleans near everything and is cheap.
    aka midgeknows@rogers.com

  65. Vivian S10/12/2014

    Set a goal on what you want to get done first

  66. I think just doing something every day helps to keep things from building up,

  67. I clean up as i cook!

  68. Clean up different areas of the house instead of all over the place at once

  69. Anonymous10/13/2014

    convince your significant other that no one cleans bathrooms as well as they do ;)


  71. Do a little bit each day, so the big cleanup on the weekend is not so overwhelming.

  72. Give everyone in the family a responsibility so cleaning isn't a big pain.

  73. Invite your mom over so she will clean....lol

  74. If you are leaving dishes to wash later make sure you rinse them for easier cleaning when you do wash them.

  75. vinegar and water to clean glass

  76. Do 10 minute tidies often they make a huge difference.

  77. I can't offer any cleaning tips other than to not ever let the hubby OFFER to clean the floors or the dishes or anything else for that matter as I always end up having to do it over anyhow. It's a waste of time. I let him keep to what he is good at...tending to the outside and making a mess. - TRUTH! - lol We are like OCD Army Brat (me) Meets the Hoarder(him)

  78. I use Vinegar to clean my floors leaves them shiny and clean :) Rafflecopter name Treen Goodwin :)

  79. Get lost in some music while you clean, I find it makes it more fun and the time flies while the cleaning gets done faster than you thought. doesn't feel like as much of a chore then!

  80. Clean one room at a time

  81. Wash the dishes as you go along when baking.

  82. I find that baking soda mixed with vinegar cleans alot of things like really stubborn stains and it is great in the laundry for odors you cant get out like perfumes etc

  83. I use part vinegar water to clean my floors

  84. Try to keep things tidy all the time. Put things back where they belong!

  85. Use a box/bag/etc if you live in a multi floor house to help relocate things to their correct location.

  86. Clean as you go, so you have less clutter to clean up later.

  87. Clean up as you go. That is if you make a mess clean it up before you move on to something else

  88. Use white vinegar for cleaning it is more natural than some products on the market.

  89. Try to use natural products like baking soda or vinegar as much as possible

  90. Fill kitchen sinks up with water and javex to clean them

  91. Use lemon and sugar as a scrub for grime from pots and pans!! :)

  92. Clean little by little.
    Sara rai

  93. Use old newspapers to clean windows instead of paper towels, saves money!

  94. clean up room by room, that way you feel some sort of accomplishment.

  95. Anonymous10/20/2014

    baking soda is cheap and cleans most things great

  96. make a list. It is easier if you are organized.

  97. Keep picking up the little things as you go around

  98. To revive a vase of wilted flowers, add a teaspoon of mild detergent.

  99. Vinegar is a great cleaning item!!

  100. I use Avon bubble bath to clean my windows, I dont know why but its the ony thing to get them sparkling & streak free

  101. Make a list of chores that need to be done and keep the list posted in a visible place. Update the list weekly and cross of items as they are done.

  102. Do a little something something everyday so things don't pile up...I like to dust an area for instance...

  103. Try using a q-tip for small hard to clean objects and areas - examples: the inside of a keurig (where the cup goes), or the hole in the paddle from a break maker.


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