Monday, March 30, 2015

Answering the Whys and Hows with Netflix Canada #StreamTeam

Hannah has started to ask a lot of questions in effort to understand the way the world works. Sometimes she asks why she can't wear her Minnie Mouse sandals in Toronto since she lived in them in Puerto Vallarta in February. Another time, she asked me why there are no traffic lights on the 401. Sometimes when she's trying to solve a problem, she'll try a few different ways and then ask for help. A show that mimics this process is one of her new favourites - Animal Mechanicals.

Animal Mechanicals is bright and colourful and at 11 minutes per episode, has a perfect running time if you need to accomplish a quick chore - while the Animal Mechanicals entertain your preschooler while teaching them about teamwork and logic. The Animal Mechanicals consist of a team of 5, and each member has a special talent (flying, extending, etc.) to help solve whatever problem they face.

Hannah's favourite is Unicorn because she can fly. 

Recently we watched Animal Mechanicals, Balloon Volcano Island. The Balloon Volcano (which, as you may have guessed, emits colourful balloons) is sad because the balloons keep popping. The team head out to find out what is causing the balloons to pop - and it turns out to be Mechana hedgehogs.  Their spikes are making the balloons burst. The team decides if they can get the hedgehogs back to their hedge, the balloons won't pop and the Balloon Volcano will be happy again. Unfortunately the hedge is afraid of the noise the sound the gallons make when they are popping so it's not going to be an easy job. But when they work together, the Animal Mechanicals can do anything, so they of course figured out a solution!

Here are some other scientific titles for little kids:

How do your kids learn about science?

Disclosure: I am part of the Netflix #StreamTeam. As always, opinions on this blog are my own.

© 2015 YYZ Bambina. All Rights Reserved.

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