Monday, February 18, 2013

My Daycare Progress Report

Hannah has been in daycare for six weeks now, so on Friday we received an Infant Progress Report. I was ecstatic to learn that when other kids and the teachers ask her for a "high 5" she now delivers. As mentioned previously, I was already in the know and very excited that "Hannah can remove her own shoes and socks." These reports are awesome, and much more detailed than Hannah's baby book. Because, as previously mentioned, most of the pages of Hannah's baby book remain blank.

So in light of Hannah's Progress Report, I think it's a good time to do my own self-report.

Communication, Language and Literacy: Sarah has figured out it's best for Chris to call the school when Hannah is sick. And because Chris does drop-off (more about that later), he is also responsible for morning messages. Sarah enjoys reading weekly reports about Hannah. Sarah realizes that everything Hannah owns must be labeled in ink with Hannah's name. Everything. Even her soothers.

Social Interaction: Although Sarah tries to avoid parents in the parking lot (especially those who do not know how to park when parents are all dealing with car seats), she happily greets other parents within the daycare centre. She has finally learned the name of Hannah's favourite teacher, K.

Cognition: Sarah realizes that when Hannah smiles and happily goes to K that Sarah should be happy that Hannah is lucky to be with someone all day with whom Hannah likes. Not as much as she likes her Mommy, but enough that she feels comfortable and secure all day. But definitely, for sure, not as much as she likes her Mommy.

Physical: Sarah has finally figured out (on most days) how to dress Hannah in her hoodie, hat and mitts while holding her, standing, on one foot. OK, everything but the one foot part.

Self Help Skills: Sarah will continue to get Chris to do drop off. If Sarah was in charge of drop off, she would never leave. Sarah knows that sometimes others need to help, in order for individuals to help themselves.

Plans for Further Learning: Sarah will try to remain calm and not get angry if Hannah walks for the first time at daycare and Sarah doesn't see it. Key word being try.

Overall, I think I'm doing pretty well. I must pat myself on the back, I haven't cried ONCE at work in regards to missing Hannah. Yet.

How would you rate your first six weeks as a new daycare parent?

© 2013 YYZ Bambina. All Rights Reserved.


  1. LOVE that you get a report back from the daycare. We don't get that and our boys go to a preschool!
    Good for you for realizing your Achilles heal and addressing it with Chris on drop off duty :)

    1. Yes, it's nice to know what she does all day while we are at work.

      And thank you for commending me on my good work :)

  2. HAHAHA! I love this progress report for yourself. I used to get progress reports when DD was in daycare and I loved it.

    Your Cognition comment made me crack up. I'm pretty sure you can never be replaced by a teacher. Best friend MAYBE.... ;)

    1. Oh it's the kids I should watch out for? Thanks for the tip!

  3. Anonymous2/18/2013

    So great that cute Hannah has other people like K to enjoy in her life! She will definitely and for sure always like you the most!

    Love how you say 'soothers'! My friend who is married to a Canadian had told me that 'pacifiers' are 'soothers' - more sophisticated:)

    This is a really cool post! Thank you for sharing your progress:)


    1. At daycare, they call soothers "suckies"! Funny how there's soooo many names for them!

  4. We just got my daughter's and son's report cards and I think I could use a report card every now and then too! Great post!

    1. Getting reports is seriously one of my favourite things about daycare!

  5. Adorable. It is hard to leave your kids in someone else's care but it sounds like you've found a winner with K. You are doing GREAT!

    1. Yes, I may be a *little* jealous, but I do realize how lucky I am.


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