Thursday, June 27, 2013

For the Love of Zed #TGCBB

When I write, I make sure to use the Canadian spelling of words. (I am so ecstatic when I type the u in words like favourite, neighbour, favour, honour, etc. and it doesn't result in the red squiggly underline...this was not always the case.)

But pronouncing things the Canadian way? That's a little more difficult.

When people ask me what my blog name is, I make a conscious effort to pronounce it "Why-Why-Zed" Bambina. Because it's the Canadian way.

I shouldn't have to make a conscious effort to say something I've known since I was little, but it's hard.

Especially when Sesame Street and many other children's programming is American. When Elmo, my daughter's favourite monster of all time, opens his mouth to sing his ABCs, I cringe. All because of the last letter he sings - Z.

The American pronunciation is Zee.

The Canadian (British) pronunciation is Zed.

Since Elmo lives on Sesame Street in the U.S.A. he sings Zee.

Some of Hannah's toys sing zee, but a surprising number sing zed. One of her favourites is made by Leap Frog. They style the ABC song differently - zed is the last thing sung, there's no "Next time will you sing with me" business.

I think Hannah prefers this version. I think she mainly prefers it because I don't howl over the Leap Frog ending.

Unlike when I try to over power Elmo in a battle of ballad pronunciation. She always looks at me like I'm crazy, and doesn't understand why I am so passionate about singing the song differently than her hero, Elmo.

Thankfully she hasn't seen this yet:

Can you imagine me trying to sing over that catchiness? It's only a matter of time since Sesame Street is a staple in our house thanks to Netflix (and OK, our mutual love for Sesame Street). Plus, I'll be too busy dancing to the beat and awing over how cute cartoon Elmo looks.

How do you explain to a child that even though the letter is pronounced Zed it makes the Zee sound? Perhaps I'll leave that to her teachers. 

As long as they pronounce it right.

I must know, how do you pronounce Z?

The Great Canadian Blog Bash

The post is part of The Great Canadian Blog Bash. Check out more Canadian-themed blog posts, in celebration of Canada Day and all things Canuck!

© 2013 YYZ Bambina. All Rights Reserved.


  1. I was just thinking about this, and also mentioned it in my #tgcbb post! ( I was thinking about how every single Canadian was virtually rapped on the knuckles by elementary school teachers who said "There is a U in colour, and don't forget it! You're Canadian and we're different!!!" Weird, but at the same time, makes me proud and patriotic. Long live the zed!

    1. Indeed. I actually get kind of annoyed when I read Canadian authors books and the u is taken out because they have an American publisher! Checking out your post now, thanks for stopping by!

  2. I am pretty sure I use BOTH - having a Z in my name, I am sure I use the American Zed pronounication when spelling it out, BUT I know I also use Zee as well..

    Funny - I've never really thought about it!

    1. Yes, I've caught myself a few times saying Zee, especially when I talk about this's hard when you constantly hear both ways!

  3. Bwa ha ha! I sing over the end of the alphabet song too! We are definitely a zed household over here, but yes Sesame Street and Dora make that more difficult. If you get a chance I'd love a visit at my #TGCBB post (

    1. Glad I'm not the only one!

      Will definitely check out your post, thanks for visiting!

  4. haha yes so true! I think it's also because cee, tee, gee, pee, vee and it seems like it should be zee naturally. It totally irks me when I write a word the Canadian way and my computer tells me I've spelled it wrong! ugh!! no I didn't! lol

    1. Yes, we need Canadian computers!

      Thanks for dropping by!

  5. Anonymous7/08/2013

    Nice to meet you! I came from the TGCBB, great post eh!

  6. I say ZED. LOL. Thanks for participating in The Great Canadian Blog Bash and we are very happy to have you! #TGCBB

    1. Glad to hear it! Thank you for hosting #TGCBB!

  7. I grew up with Zed in the Middle East but then got zee in my vocab and now with the lil one I'm not sure which one she'll pick up but like you said.. I'm sure the schooling system will figure that one out for us. I personally like the sound of zed waaaaaaaaaaaay bettah!


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