Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Rev up your oral care routine with Crest & Oral-B! #Giveaway #PGmom

It's almost funny that April is National Oral Health month - only because I have an upcoming dentist appointment. The worst time I was in the dentist's chair was when I was 35 weeks pregnant and had a wisdom tooth pulled. 70 per cent of all pregnant women suffer from inflamed gums, which is a sign of gingivitis...but not all pregnant women get teeth pulled!

To keep your teeth healthy and happy, through pregnancy or not, dentists recommend brushing twice daily for two minutes (I love my Oral-B® ProfessionalCare SmartSeries 5000 with SmartGuide™ Electric Toothbrush - it times my brushing for me), flossing once daily and using a rinse. Most Canadians do admit to not following this routine.

Thankfully, Oral-B Pro-Health Clinical Protection Floss is clinically proven to help reverse gingivitis in two weeks as part of a comprehensive dental routine.
Celebrate Oral Health Month by winning this giveaway (valued at approximately $19):
By entering the following contest you are accepting that if you win your contact information will be shared with a P&G PR and shipping agency for the purpose of mailing your prize. Please allow 4-6 weeks from the contest closure date to receive your prize. This giveaway may appear on other blogs as part of the #PGmom program. However, to be fair, you can only win once per giveaway. If your name is chosen more than once, another winner will be selected. All winners must be from within Canada excluding Quebec. Valid entries only. Contest ends April 22nd, 2014. For further contest rules, refer to the Terms and Conditions within the Rafflecopter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I am a P&Gmom. As part of my affiliation with this group I receive products and special access to P&G events. The opinions on this blog are my own.  

© 2014 YYZ Bambina. All Rights Reserved.


  1. I brush 2-3 times a day.. I am horrible about flossing.

  2. Brush morning and night. Only floss at night before bed. (Judy Cowan)

  3. I brush in the morning and before bed and I floss probably twice a day on average!

    RAFFLECOPTER NAME is Anne Taylor

  4. Floss, brush, and mouthwash after every meal

  5. Not super exciting... brush morning and night, floss when I remember (usually daily)

  6. I brush at least twice a day and floss nightly.

  7. I brush morning and night and floss often!

  8. Brush twice a day and floss often!

  9. I brush a few times a day. I often forget to floss, so do that only 2-3 times a week.

  10. I brush in the morning and at night. I floss after lunch

  11. My routine includes brushing twice a day, flossing between meals/snacks and mouth wash in the morning.

  12. I brush every morning and floss 3-4 times a week

  13. I brush twice a day and use whitening mouth wash before bed. I know I should floss but I usually skip it!

  14. I brush twice a day and floss too!

  15. I brush my teeth daily with my electric toothbrush. I need to be more regular with my flossing though!

  16. Brushing twice a day & flossing when I remember.

  17. I brush twice a day and use cavity fighting mouthwash.

  18. I floss at night then brush teeth.

  19. Anonymous4/10/2014

    Brush and floss twice a day

  20. I brush 2-3x a day and floss when i remember... terrible lol

  21. Brush twice daily. Floss when I remember although I carry floss with me everywhere. Nothing worse than getting something stuck in your teeth.

    Besos, Sarah
    Blogger at Journeys of The Zoo

  22. brush, rinse and floss in the evening

  23. I used to brush more often but now with kids I am lucky if I get it done twice a day - after breakfast and before bed. I sometimes use mouthwash and don't floss near as often as I should. I do see the dentist regularly which gives me comfort.

  24. brush twice a day and floss. :)

  25. I try to brush twice a day and I floss about once a week. I know its not the best oral care routine.

  26. Anonymous4/11/2014

    Brush in morning and brush and floss at night.

    Florence C

  27. Brushing and flossing twice a day.

  28. I brush at least twice a day,and try to remember to floss
    (Karla Sceviour)

  29. I brush twice a day, and am trying to keep up flossing once a day.

  30. Floss, brush, and mouthwash morning and night

  31. Victoria Ess4/12/2014

    I brush and floss in the morning and at night.

  32. I brush twice a day and floss at night

  33. I floss once and brush twice a day

  34. brush in the morning and at bedtime

  35. eleanor4/12/2014

    brush twice a day and floss once

  36. sarah sar4/13/2014

    I floss first, then brush after every meal. Before bed, I use mouthwash.

    Rafflecopter name: Sarah S.
    texan_michael AT yahoo DOT com

  37. I brush my teeth morning and night , floss daily and rinse.

  38. I brush twice a day and floss after that (Suzi)

  39. Brush in the mornng and evening 0 floss at night

  40. Natalie4/14/2014

    I brush 3-4 times a day, but rarely floss (bad me!)

  41. I brush twice a day. Sometimes more when encouraging my son to brush. I try to floss but rarely remember!

  42. I brush at least twice a day but I have to admit that I do not floss as much as I should. I also use a waterpik about once a week.

  43. I brush 2-3 times a day, Flossing is a little less, that sort of gets left behind if im in a rush :/

  44. I brush after every meal and floss every other day!

  45. brush in the morning and at night. floss while i'm watching tv at night.

  46. I brush when I get up, I brush in the shower in evening and if i'm going out somewhere I brush again

  47. I brush at least twice a day and use a water-flosser at night. I should probably should use real floss at some point during the day, as I cannot stand anything stuck between my teeth.

  48. I brush at least twice a day and floss once a day.

  49. I brush my teeth twice a day, and floss just before bed

  50. i brush every morning and night

  51. I brush at least 2 times a day and try to floss when i can.


  52. Anonymous4/22/2014

    Bailey Dexter. I brush after every meal & floss at bedtime!


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