Thursday, January 24, 2013

Febreze Car Vent Clips at the Canadian International AutoShow (Giveaway)

Now that I'm a working Mom and commute via car every day I have so much more appreciation for my vehicle (which Chris and I have nicknamed Gold Bug) and for Febreze Car Vent Clips.

I spend a good 45 minutes in Gold Bug to get to work, and about an hour (including daycare pick-up) in Gold Bug before I get home.

Since it has been FREEZING in Toronto lately, my heat is on as soon as warm air will blow through the vents. And it smells GOOD. Fresh laundry good (we have the Linen & Sky scent). I-think-if-Seinfeld-still-had-his-car-with-the-BO-smell-Febreze-Car-Vent-Clips-would-make-it-bearable-to-drive good.

But don't trust me, try it for yourself. One YYZ Bambina reader will win a Febreze Car Vent Clip AND two tickets to the upcoming Canadian International AutoShow happening Feb. 15 - 24, 2013 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.

If you're headed there to check out the fantasy cars (and in my case, hopefully a Transformer or two), make sure you stop by the Febreze Van at the AutoShow to pick up a free sample and find out how Febreze Car Vent Clips send odours packing so you and your passengers can breathe happy.

To enter, use the Rafflecopter below. Please note, you are responsible for transportation to the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.

Open to Canadian Residents who are the age of majority only. Valid entries only. Contest ends Monday, February 4, 2013. For further contest rules, refer to the Terms and Conditions within the Rafflecopter. By entering the following contest you are accepting that if you win your contact information will be shared with a P&G PR agency for the purpose of mailing your prize.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I am a P&Gmom. As part of my affiliation with this group I receive products and special access to P&G events. The opinions on this blog are my own. 

© 2013 YYZ Bambina. All Rights Reserved.


  1. Stale water due to trunk leak. Smells bad!

  2. time I found a green pepper in a clear plastic produce bag and the green pepper had liquified and had mold on it. Ewww...I guess it fell out of the grocery bags and rolled under the seat. Thank you for this nice giveaway!
    Lee Pearson

  3. Nothing physical, but it was hard to miss the stench of spilled milk. It took at least a year to get rid of that smell.

  4. Victoria Ess1/25/2013

    Probably cigarette ashes all over the backseats.

  5. old food gross
    entered the lovely giveaway and tweeted

  6. Dried out chocolate milk that got into every crevice there was!

  7. Stale french fries

  8. A rotten banana peel

  9. My mom's a farmer so the grossest thing we found was rotten broccoli.

    Rafflecopter Name: Stephanie LaPlante

  10. someone's lunch bag with leftovers from a month earlier

  11. someone's leftover lunch bag from a month earlier

  12. an old hamburger one of the kids hid in the seat

  13. probably gross food crumbs

  14. probably gross food

  15. i have found a rotted apple, but the grossest is finger nails, ewwwww

  16. Trisha Y.1/31/2013

    I found an old dirty diaper under my seat! Thankfully it was only a #1 and not a #2!

  17. food from when my daughter used the car

  18. Cigarette ashes

  19. Poonam2/02/2013

    Old chewing gum

  20. Old rotting fruit

  21. Rishun2/02/2013

    Cat food

  22. An apple that rolled out of one of my bags.


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