Sunday, October 28, 2012

Looking Back on Baby's First Year with Natrel Baboo

Sometimes I can't believe Hannah is almost a year old already. This has easily been the fastest year of my life (even if some teething nights seemed to last forever).

Where did all this time go?

Looking back, I can't believe all the weird things Chris and I did. Case in point: when Hannah came home from the hospital we created a spreadsheet to document when we fed her, how long she slept, and what was in her diaper when we changed it. Parenting in the digital era much?

Speaking of the digital era, the first time she does things we always try to capture it with a camera - photo or video. The first time she laughed. The first time she rolled over all by herself. The first time she grabbed a toy. The first time she held her own bottle. The first time we offered her solid food.

Now that she has started to eat off our plates (mashed potatoes and bread when we are out at restaurants are her faves) while proudly sitting in a high chair all alone, I must face the fact I have an almost toddler in my midst. I still remember going to restaurants and leaving her in the bucket car seat, fingers crossed she wouldn't wake up so I could finish my meal while it was still warm.

She's also started to eye our beverages. I let her drink out of my water glass, but her taste buds are getting wise.

Enter Natrel Baboo. As a Natrel drinker myself, my ears always perk up when this commercial comes on TV. Baboo is the first Canadian dairy product especially designed for toddlers aged 12-24 months to ensure a smooth transition from breast milk or infant formula to regular milk. Rich in five essential nutrients, Baboo contributes, as a complement to a balanced diet, to the development of toddlers. Baboo is easier on the toddler’s system than regular milk because it has a lower sodium content, and is easier to digest than regular milk. They also don't have to be refrigerated until they are opened - so they are great on the go!

To learn more, please visit the Natrel Baboo website.

Natrel Baboo is excited to share that they are giving away 50,000 free coupons. You can try Baboo for FREE, simply visit

Disclosure – I am participating in the Baboo Blog Tour by Mom Central Canada on behalf of Natrel. I received compensation as a thank you for participating and for sharing my honest opinion. The opinions on this blog are my own.

© 2012 YYZ Bambina. All Rights Reserved.


  1. I've never heard of the product over here in NYC, but it sounds great! All the best - Monica

    1. Yeah, I think it's just in Canada right now. Hope you are staying safe and warm in the midst of Sandy!

  2. Great review! I didn't know about this product when my boys were younger, but wish I did!

    Love your reflections on Hannah.



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