Sunday, October 21, 2012

YYZ Without Bambina

For the past two days I was an attendee at the ShesConnected Conference at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. I networked with many other bloggers and learned loads from the panelists, speakers and keynotes. I also got a LOT of great swag from generous sponsors who I hope will work with me someday. I know my attendance has made me a better blogger, and in turn, will make YYZ Bambina the best blog it can be.

But I really missed my daughter. A LOT. There were a few babies at SCCTO, and every time one of them fussed or giggled my heart hurt a little.

Chris was nice enough to switch his days off so he could be home with her. Secretly, I think he was just excited to have two full days of Daddy-Daughter time. Therefore, I wasn't worried that she wasn't being taken care of. I tried to keep the texts and calls to a minimum, and thankfully there was so much going on at the conference I didn't have too much time to dwell on my MIA mini-me.

Baby checks out Mommy's blog
I have no idea how I will handle going back to work in less than 3 months. I like my job and have amazing coworkers, but that doesn't mean I'll miss my daughter any less. I carried her for 9 months and by the time I go back will have spent almost every waking moment with her for 12.

Equipped with this new blogging knowledge from SCCTO, perhaps eventually I will be able to support my family with income I earn from home. While being with my daughter. One thing I learned from networking this weekend is that this is possible.

Former Cosmo Editor-in-Chief and New York Times bestselling author Kate White, a keynote speaker at SCCTO, shared one of her tips for success with us - "Go Big or Go Home." I'm going to personalize it to work for me. I'll Go Big TO Go Home.

 How do you deal with missing your kid(s)?

© 2012 YYZ Bambina. All Rights Reserved.


  1. I totally get you, after my third I never went back to my career. I found jobs I could do from home and have been here with the kids for 10 years. Loving it. Also a really supportive husband:)I think I might try blogging too!

    1. That sounds amazing! You should start to blog, it's great!

  2. Sounds like you had a great time at the conference. I'd love it if you did a post about the some of the stuff you learned for those of us who couldn't attend. :)

    1. It was great - exhausting, but fun. I will definitely do a post about some of the stuff we learned. Right now I'm afraid of my notebook and my handwriting (I went old school and left the MacBook at home :D)

  3. Glad you had a great time! I SO badly wanted to go, but I had spent so many weekends away from my kids lately due to work, I couldn't justify another. It sounded like fun, glad you learned lots.

  4. I completely get that! (And I even got to go home to see her after day 1, I don't know what I would have done if I had to travel to attend.)

  5. Great post! Going back to work is really hard. I would love to figure out a way to make an income and work from home in the future. I love what I do but want to be able to pick my kids up from school, go on field trips etc. Would also love to hear all the great things you learned!

    1. I am working on a post of things I've learned, hopefully it will be finished by this weekend!

      Still dreading going back to work though lol


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