Sunday, November 04, 2012

Give Gifts that keep Giving with World Vision

Halloween is over. And even though you won't hear Christmas music in Shoppers Drug Mart, all the stores are stocked with Christmas items and gifts.

Could you imagine giving someone a goat, chicken or cow for Christmas? With World Vision, you can.

I am very thankful that Hannah (and I) were born in a country where we don't need to worry about access to clean water, feeling cold at night or receiving an education. Many children in other countries aren't so lucky.

At SCCTO I met some folks from World Vision and they provided me with their Christmas 2012 Gift Catalogue. (You can view items online here.) I also was given this uber pretty bracelet, which, as you can see, Hannah is a fan of as well. The proceeds from this bracelet go to World Vision programs that help women and girls escape exploitation and abuse around the world. There are other handcrafted gifts you can purchase for a loved one that all support World Vision programs.

There are all types of gifts you can give - as I previously mentioned, you can buy animals. And medicine, food, clothes, and classroom supplies. Soccer balls, musical instruments and toys. You can even give a community the gift of solar power.

All the gifts you can give have a lifetime impact. You can also buy gift cards and let the receiver decide what gift to give.

Lydia, a seven-year-old from Uganda whose family received a goat and sheep, says, "We can sell the baby animals to buy clothes, shoes and books for school."

If you want to help children closer to home - you can. Did you know one in five Canadian children go to school hungry? You can feed hungry Canadian families or provide school supplies to a Canadian child in need.

Last year, as part of my Christmas gift, Chris "bought" me a Polar Bear from the World Wild Life Fund. This year, World Vision is my charity of choice. I'm debating between a pig and medicine - either way, I know my gift will impact someone's life.

Do you buy Christmas gifts that support charities?

Disclosure: I did not receive compensation for this post. All language and opinions are my own.

© 2012 YYZ Bambina. All Rights Reserved.


  1. I think it's great to give gifts that support charities as most kids have too much stuff anyway.

    I've bought people animals (World Wild Life) and also received animals as gifts ;)

    Will definitely look into World Vision for this year!

  2. Hi Sarah Lynn,

    It was lovely meeting you at #SCCTO. Thank you so much for sharing about our catalogue and the many gifts that save lives. I absolutely adore that photo of Hannah reaching out for the bracelet (and you, of course!) I'm going to share on Twitter right now! @worldvisioncan ;)


  3. I'm so glad that you shared this post. I always give gifts from the International Rescue Committee and we always have family charity work that we do together. The holiday's are often a time of mass consumption and I think it is so important for our generation to instill an imperative to help others...with everything that is going on in the world - it is absolutely necessary. This is a fantastic cause and your bracelet is beautiful...and I especially love the chubby tiny hand in the photo. xx


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