Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Shoppers Drug Mart truly is my Life Store #cbias

When I was a little girl one of the rituals when visiting my Grandma in Belleville, Ont., consisted of walking down her street, crossing the foot bridge over the Moira River and arriving in downtown - Front Street. We would always stop in at the Shoppers Drug Mart and get a treat. At first the treat was candy, and then it was Lip Smackers, and eventually as a young teen, it was BOP magazine. As I got older, most of shops were replaced by parking lots...and at some point that Shoppers moved to different location, building a bigger, large format store.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

May is P&G's #MonthOfMom

Before Hannah was born, the day I felt most important every year was my birthday. Now that I'm a mom, it's definitely Mother's Day. Even though Hannah can't wish me a Happy Mother's Day yet, I feel like I've joined the world's best club (even if it requires a large amount of continual work to stay a member).

P&G is declaring the May the Month of Mom. From May 1 to 30, I will be sharing the love with other magnificent mammas by posting photos to celebrate my life and all the little things that make motherhood special through the 30-Day Month of Mom Photo Challenge.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Toronto's New Nerd Girl Fitness (Giveaway)

Every summer my brother and I went to day camp. I wanted gymnastics, art and drama. My brother wanted sports, sports, sports. He didn't hate art camp, but he had a strong dislike for gymnastics. I had a strong dislike for sports. In the years where the Toronto Parks and Recreation light shone on us, my Mom was able to drop us at camps within walking distance so we were both happy.

Some years we were not so lucky. Some years I had to endure Sports camp aka a week of torture. My brother is three years younger than me, so I was never in his group. I was stuck with a bunch of kids my own age who could actually kick a soccer ball, catch a baseball and hit a tennis ball with a racket. I was not so lucky. One morning we were playing baseball  and I actually hit the ball right down the foul line - but staying inside the white line. That one move made the rest of the week a little more bearable - for I had finally proved I had some worth to my group.

I don't even want to talk about gym class during school. I dropped it right after grade nine (but swam with the swim team and taught gymnastics).

Team sports are not for me. And if you're like me, then Nerd Girl Fitness might be for you.

How Gain Makes Spring Cleaning Better (#PGmom Giveaway)

It seems that spring has finally sprung!

I love cracking out my sandals and shorts and stuffing my boots and sweaters away for another year.

However, I don't really enjoy the big spring clean...using actual cleaning products.

Having a toddler who insists on feeding herself leaves for a daily mess in her high chair and the surrounding area. Having a toddler who crawls everywhere and finds the littlest speck of dirt even when you just vacuumed can be frustrating. Having a toddler who splashes more than bathes making your bathtub more like a wave pool leaving puddles on your bathroom floor.

After cleaning up the aforementioned daily messes, it's no wonder I don't want to do a big clean "just because".

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Rock of Dimes Toronto takes place May 3 (Giveaway)

The Ninth Annual Rock for Dimes Toronto takes place May 3, 2013 at the Hard Rock Cafe!

Six bands featuring groups comprised of Toronto business professionals will shake Club 279 at the Hard Rock Cafe to raise an estimated $25,000 for children with physical disabilities.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Are you the next Mommyville MOM? (Giveaway)

Being a mom is definitely the toughest and most tiring job I've ever had. It's also the best and most rewarding job I've ever had. 

Since becoming a mom myself, I've realized that moms don’t always get the recognition they deserve, and that is exactly what Playtex is hoping to change through their MOM (Mom of the Month) Program.

Each month, over the next year, Playtex Mommyville will profile a mom and her words of wisdom in hopes of encouraging conversation and learning. The Mommyville Facebook page will periodically ask moms to answer a set of questions for their chance to shine and be featured as the Playtex MOM. 

To show you how easy it is to enter, I'm going to answer the current three questions they are asking.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Mabel's Labels creates Scan & Store Labels

Mabel's Labels has created a great new label that combines technology with organization! Can't remember where you put your summer clothes or those holiday decorations? With the new Scan & Store labels from Mabel's Labels, you will never misplace your items again! Here's how they work:

1. Apply the label to a bin, tote or other container.
2. Scan it with the Write Away! app.
3. Store the title, location, description and a photograph of the container.

From your phone you can store the names and photographs of an unlimited number of items and assign them to a container, search for containers and items and much more! Organizing has never been so easy. Be sure to try out these new amazing labels today. Happy Organizing! 

Disclosure: I am a Mabel's Labels affiliate.

© 2013 YYZ Bambina. All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Old Spice Belize Deodorant Smells Like Lime and Works When Using Dad Strength

As a P&Gmom, every month new products come to my door for me to test and share with my readers. Sometimes, when it's a slew of Olay, CoverGirl and Pampers products I almost feel guilty. But last month a stick of Old Spice Belize Deodorant came, just for Chris. Below you will find his review. I guess that makes him an unofficial P&Gdad!

I became an Old Spice Man well before I was an actual man. After an awkward adolescent phase using whatever deodorant my dad had in the house (some dark and smelly days, those), I picked up a stick of High Endurance Pure Sport and never looked back.

In fact, I also use the Pure Sport body wash, to ensure my body emits the same pleasing odour pretty much around the clock. I wish that were just a shameless plug, but it’s the truth: whether it’s grooming products, running shoes or brands of pasta, when I find something I like, I stick with it.

But when Sarah’s latest P&G Mom products arrived and the box included a stick of Old Spice Fresh Collection, I figured I’d see (or smell) what it had to offer. After all, I owe them for helping to eradicate my B.O. forever; I’m not sure how many days I’d have to go without showering for it to return, and hopefully I’ll never have to find out.

Why Toddlers and Pet Food Shouldn't Mix

Hannah's latest obsession is our cat Booyah. When he's not visible, she forces him into an involuntary game of hide and seek. She crawls up to him to give him pats, she tries to follow him into his litter box and of course, she has become interested in his food too.

We live in 745 square feet of fun. This means (now that she's mobile) Hannah pretty much has access to everything Booyah does.

I believe that supervision is the number one way for kids of all ages to stay safe. When Hannah reached her tiny hand into Booyah's food dish I was right there to quickly move her away, resulting in the worst temper tantrum she's had yet. And then I wondered, how bad would it be if she did consume some of his food?

Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Baby Gourmet introduces new flavours (Review & Giveaway)

A couple of months ago, Hannah started to feed me. First, it was a piece of a chicken finger. Then a cracker. She was even generous enough to offer me portions of an Arrowroot. At first, I thought it was sweet that she wanted to feed me the way everyone feed her. And then she offered me a soggy cracker after it had been in her mouth. Then it wasn't so cute.

Now she's learning how to use a fork and spoon, and I am hoping she won't mind sharing a few spoonfuls of Baby Gourmet with me.

Baby Gourmet has six new flavours, featuring Kale and Greek Yogurt, two of the most popular health foods today and in line with the health demands of concerned new parents. The benefits are simple. Kale is known for its whopping high vitamin and iron content and impressive antioxidant properties. Per calorie, it even has more iron than beef. One multipurpose food makes feeding your baby easier than ever.

Friday, April 05, 2013

Crest and Oral-B donate to Dress for Success during Oral Health Month (#PGmom Giveaway)

April is Oral Health Month! Crest knows that life opens up with a confident smile. That’s why Crest is dedicated to creating products that improve your smile and promote your oral health.

And during Oral Health Month, when you pledge to get a more confident smile by brushing, flossing and rinsing with Crest and Oral-B products for 30 days, they’ll donate $1 to Dress for Success, a charity that helps give others the confidence to succeed in the workplace. Crest is supporting Dress for Success in its mission to promote the economic independence of disadvantaged women by providing professional attire, a network of support and the career development tools to help women thrive in work and in life. Visit facebook.com/crestcanada or facebook.com/oralbcanada to make your pledge today! 

Over the last decade, the evolution of technology has made a significant and positive impact on our day-to-day lives. Canadians are quick to adopt the newest technology in many areas from computers and cell phones to TVs, but when it comes to their oral health, Canadians cling to their manual brushes (in 2011, 72 per cent were still using a manual brush!) – despite advances in electric toothbrush design and recommendations from dental health professionals. The SmartGuide also lets you know when you are brushing to hard - and as an exhausted working Mom I need the reminders in the morning and evening when I am brushing half asleep.

P&G is providing an Oral-B Professional Deep Sweep Triaction 5000 to help one lucky YYZ Bambina reader make the switch and pledge a more confident smile.

Monday, April 01, 2013

Mabel's Labels launches Wash Away Labels

Exciting news alert! 

Mabel's Labels has just launched their new line of Wash Away Labels. These labels are perfect for potluck dishes, bottles for daycare, frozen foods, canning jars, and much more. When the labels are are no longer needed, simply pop in the dishwasher or under running water to rinse off. Best of all, these labels disappear completely, leaving no sticky residue. 

Happy Labeling! 

Disclosure: I am a Mabel's Labels affiliate.

© 2013 YYZ Bambina. All Rights Reserved.

I Am Canadian - Featured today on Journeys of the Zoo

Happy Monday!
I Am Canadian Logo
It's no April Fool's that I'm a proud Canadian.

Today, over on Journeys of the Zoo, I discuss how important I believe travel is - to learn about other cultures AND teach others about yours.

You can check it out here.

Thank you to Sarah from Journeys of the Zoo for hosting this great feature! If you are Canadian or have a Canadian Product, Cause, Blog, or other Canadian related item, then you are officially invited to add yourself to the Linky (found at the bottom of the post).

© 2013 YYZ Bambina. All Rights Reserved.