Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Baby Gourmet introduces new flavours (Review & Giveaway)

A couple of months ago, Hannah started to feed me. First, it was a piece of a chicken finger. Then a cracker. She was even generous enough to offer me portions of an Arrowroot. At first, I thought it was sweet that she wanted to feed me the way everyone feed her. And then she offered me a soggy cracker after it had been in her mouth. Then it wasn't so cute.

Now she's learning how to use a fork and spoon, and I am hoping she won't mind sharing a few spoonfuls of Baby Gourmet with me.

Baby Gourmet has six new flavours, featuring Kale and Greek Yogurt, two of the most popular health foods today and in line with the health demands of concerned new parents. The benefits are simple. Kale is known for its whopping high vitamin and iron content and impressive antioxidant properties. Per calorie, it even has more iron than beef. One multipurpose food makes feeding your baby easier than ever.
Greek Yogurt, the market speaks for itself. Worth approximately $6 billion in the United States with sales rising 100 per cent in each of the last three years, Greek yogurt is dominating the food industry. Continuing growth for this product is no doubt attributed to its inherent health qualities— namely the doubled protein content and high source of calcium that ensures muscle and bone development—and its creamy taste.

The six new flavours are:

Banana, Apple, Fig, Oatmeal & Greek Yogurt
Banana Apple Beetberry
Banana Apple Kale Blend
Minty Pears, Apples & Peas
Cherry Apple Blossom
Fruity Carrot & Greek Yogurt Smoothie

Taste is a Baby Gourmet guarantee. So when samples arrived at my door, when I squished the delicious contents in a bowl and got out two spoons - a table one and a toddler one.

Hannah especially enjoyed the Fruity Carrot &
Greek Yogurt Smoothie. She ate the entire package (save a few stolen spoonfuls), while saying "Numa, numa, numa!" the entire time. Hannah speak for "More please, more please, more please!" I found it extremely delicious too.

The packaging makes for easy eating on the go, but I wonder if Hannah would share.

Jennifer Carlson, founder of Baby Gourmet, and a mother understands why healthy eating is so important and inn her commitment to make eating on-the-go convenient and delicious as well as nutritious.

All Baby Gourmet products have:
  • 100% Organic Ingredients 
  • No Thickeners or Fillers 
  • No Added Sugar or Salt 
  • BPA Free Re-sealable Packaging
One lucky YYZ Bambina reader can win a Baby Gourmet sample pack including the new flavours!

Open to Canadian (excluding Quebec) Residents who are the age of majority only. Valid entries only. Contest ends Wednesday, April 24, 2013. For further contest rules, refer to the Terms and Conditions within the Rafflecopter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I received samples of Baby Gourmet for the purposes of this review. As always, opinions on this blog are my own.

 © 2013 YYZ Bambina. All Rights Reserved.


  1. The Cherry Apple Blossom sounds great!

    RAFFLECOPTER NAME is Anne Taylor

  2. Minty Pears, Apples & Peas

  3. Banana Apple Kale Blend - anything to get them to try kale!

  4. We've actually tried all of them already... my son particularly likes the Banana, Apple, Fig, Oatmeal & Greek Yogurt. He loves the banana apple kale as well.

  5. Banana, Apple, Kale Blend. My daughter loves kale chips so this is another great way for her to eat her greens!

  6. Cherry Apple Blossom, sounds yummy.

  7. I think it's great that kids can be introduced to flavors like kale and beets early on. Sets great eating habits. Minty pears, apples and peas sounds great.

  8. Banana Apple Kale Blend

  9. Minty Pears, Apples & Peas

  10. Banana Apple Kale Blend - anything to get them to try more kale!

  11. Banana Apple Beetberry and Banana Apple Kale Blend

  12. Cherry Apple Blossom

  13. Cherry Apple Blossom

    Rafflecopter Name: Stephanie LaPlante

  14. We've been trying them already but need to get my hands on the banana apple kale blend!

  15. My daughter really likes these and it's a good alternative when I don't have homemade food for her!

  16. These look delicious! I wish they had more of these options when my kids were younger.

  17. Why not here in quebec!?! We love this stuff!

  18. Andrea S.4/14/2013

    My daughter loves the minty pears, apples and peas!

  19. I'm most interested in trying the Banana, Apple, Fig, Oatmeal & Greek Yogurt.

  20. Stefanie Skinner4/14/2013

    We've tried most of the new flavours and my son loves them all! His favourites are the Banana Apple Kale, and Minty Pears Apples and Peas.

  21. think this one would be interesting, Banana Apple Beetberry

  22. We are new to this food and so far am very excited that it exists, 6 years ago with my first it did not! Great job!

  23. We are excited to see that this product exists, this is my second baby and there were not alot of good feeding options with my first, 6 years ago. Also excited it's a Canadian company!


  24. Anonymous4/16/2013

    He loves the Banana Apple Fig Oatmeal & Greek Yogurt

  25. We are excited to try Cherry Apple Blossom

  26. Anonymous4/18/2013

    The Cherry Apple Blossom

  27. Laurie P4/20/2013

    Banana, Apple, Fig, Oatmeal & Greek Yogur

  28. Banana, apple, kale!

  29. My daughter inhales the Fruity Carrot & Greek Yogurt Smoothie


  30. My daughter inhales the Fruity Carrot & Greek Yogurt Smoothie.

    Can't say enough good things Baby Gourmet.

  31. I would like to try the Banana, Apple, Fig, Oatmeal & Greek Yogurt!


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