Friday, September 07, 2012

It's a Girl!

A year ago today I found out I was having a baby girl.

When I found out I was pregnant I told Chris right away that I wanted to find out the sex of the baby as soon as we could. I am  a very impatient person. I also hated calling the baby "the baby" instead of "he" or "she". And I couldn't wait to get my pregnant paws on some baby clothes.

Everyone around me thought I was carrying a boy. My Mom was convinced, as was my Godmother. A co-worker who had just had a son thought it was a boy too.

To add to everything else, September 7th is also my Grandpa's birthday. If we were going to have a son, my Grandpa's first name was going to be one of the baby's middle names. We were finding out the sex of the baby on my Grandpa's birthday, who could become his namesake. This had to be a sign.

I wanted a girl though. SO. BADLY. In conversations with myself, I had already been calling the baby "she". When friends asked what I hoped for, I quickly replied "A healthy baby." And then, in a whisper, "But secretly I want a girl."

So the night before my 20 week anatomy ultrasound I made a mental list of awesome things that would come from having a son, just in case everyone around me was right. Boys have cooler toys. I would never have to explain what a menstrual cycle is. I would never have to take him bra shopping for the first time. AND I would never have to perform hair miracles.

The next morning we sat waiting to be seen. For all my mental preparation, I still really wanted a girl. We finally got to see the tech. We told her we wanted to know the sex. She had to call in someone else to get pictures of some of the baby's organs because of the way the baby was positioned in my belly. So a more experienced tech came in to take a look. After waiting 15 weeks (I found out I was pregnant at 5 weeks), the 30 minutes spent in that room felt like the longest of my life.

The first clothes I ever bought for Hannah...
two days after I found out I was having a girl
Finally, Sergei (the more experienced technician) turned to us and said, ""Now, I can't confirm this 100 per cent - because nothing is certain - but I am extremely confident it's a girl."

At first I thought I didn't hear Sergei right. I went into shock. I kept apologizing to Chris, because of course he had been rooting for a son. Then as we started calling and texting people to share our news it became more real.

The baby growing inside me was a she. Like my mother, my mother's mother (my grandma) and my mother's mother's mother (my great-grandma)  before me, my first born child would be a daughter. I was carrying on what had become a family tradition. I was going to get the little girl of my dreams.

I just had to wait 20 more weeks (and 2 days) until I could meet her.

Did you find out your baby's sex before they were born?

© 2012 YYZ Bambina. All Rights Reserved.


  1. Yes! I'm the type of person who needs to know stuff if there is knowledge to be had. I was so excited to find out.

    I also wanted a girl very badly. And I wanted to know ahead of time because if it was a boy, I wanted the disappointment to be before the birth. I thought it was a girl, all those silly tests that you can do all said it was a girl.

    It was a boy and I am SO GLAD. I felt a brief flash of disappointment and then they showed him to me on the screen and it all went away. And by the end of the day, I was feeling like I would be disappointed if they were wrong and it turned out to be a girl after all. That whole "you'll never be able to imagine it any other way" thing is true. I'm so glad I had a boy.

    I still want a girl for our next one if we're so lucky, but now I have an excuse to reuse most of the clothes I have and not have really girly stuff around :) On the other hand, I have trouble believing a girl will be as easy as my son is. He's so amazing and perfect.

    1. I would definitely like a boy next time around.

      But with two sons, imagine the bathroom time. And no stealing your clothes/make-up/perfume.

      I think our babies need a play date! :)

  2. I didn't know for sure my first was a girl, but the heartbeat was so fast, the nurse was sure it was a girl. All three of our daughters I didn't know ahead of time. I wish I did. It would have been wonderful to plan. My husband did want a boy, but he says daughters always stay close to their dad and our three have. Great blog.

    1. Yeah, my baby totally fooled me...she sat RIGHT on the line the entire time...

      Awe, that' so sweet. I'll pass your husband's theory on to my partner.

  3. I found out with all three of my kids. I didn't see any reason not to know. Besides the Hubby was determinded to find out and said he would torture me with the info, if I decided not to know. Gotta love him....

    Visiting from SITS.

    1. LOL. I told my partner that if he didn't want to know he could leave the room, and I could keep it a secret...but it would have been written all over my face either way.

      Thanks for visiting!

  4. Anonymous9/08/2012

    Visiting from SITS.. I'm impatient, so I found out right away with both of mine. Boy first. Girl second. :)

    1. Thanks for visiting. Love your blog - became a new follower :)

  5. I can so relate, Sarah. Like you, I obviously just wanted a healthy baby, but I also secretly wanted a girl. I've always been a girl's girl. I've never had many guy friends and I feel like I just "get" girls and they "get" me. Plus, I love girlie clothes, doing hair, painting nails and all that fun girlie stuff that you get to do with little girls. I also found out my daughter was a girl through my ultrasound. I tried not to get too excited, because I know that you can't know for certain, but I was pretty happy!

    1. Can you please, please, PLEASE teach me how to do hair?

      I've often looked at her toe nails and wondered "How old does she have to be before I can paint those?"

  6. I found out I was having a girl. I couldn't wait to find out, and like you I really wanted a girl, but I wasn't so secretive about wanting one. The last baby in our close family was a boy (nephew) so I wanted a girl to buy pretty clothes, Barbies, and to (hopefully) have a relationship like the Gilmore Girls lol.

    1. I would love a Gilmore Girls relationship too! And I can't wait to play with Barbies. With my daughter, of course...or not. :)


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