Sunday, September 09, 2012

Switching to Eco-Friendly Cleaners (#GYR Giveaway)

I was well aware that as soon as I gave birth a lot of things would change in my life. Something somewhat unexpected for me was changing cleaning routines to become safer.

I was completely unaware of what ingredients made up cleaning products. Before, I would only buy whatever was on sale. I didn't care what brand it was, how it smelled and what it was made of. As long as it didn't nudge too much in my clothing/make-up/eating out budget, it was purchased.

Now that there's a little one in my house, that's all changed. I don't want fumes coming from the bathroom. I don't want to clean her clothes in detergent that could make her break out in a rash. And I certainly want to make sure when I clean her bottles, bowls and spoons they are cleaned with the best possible dish soap.

Unfortunately many dish and laundry soaps contain petrochemicals (derived directly from oil). Luckily there are several companies like that have created plant‐based, family‐safe alternatives to ensure we can avoid hazardous toxins in home products.

I was sent Seventh Generation Natural Dish Liquid (Lavender & Floral Mint) and Seventh Generation Natural 4X Laundry Detergent (Free & Clear).

Both products are plant-derived and work just as well as soaps from other brands that contain petrochemicals. Both products are skin sensitive. They both smell great (even the Detergent which is free of dyes & fragrances). The containers are also completely recyclable (and compostable in the case of the Laundry Detergent).

Now that I have tried them I will most certainly continue to use them.

Seventh Generation products help protect human health and the environment. You can find Seventh Generation products online or at several national chain stores listed here.

Do you use eco-friendly cleaning products?

Would you like some free ones? If so, enter the Green Your Routine with Seventh Generation Starter Pack giveaway by filling out the Rafflecopter below.

Look out for my next #GYR post about Green Commuting next week.

Open to Canadian Residents only. Valid entries only. Contest ends Sunday, September 23, 2012.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

© 2012 YYZ Bambina. All Rights Reserved.


  1. I use reusable containers for my children's lunches.

  2. We recycle, turn off lights, reusable containers, walk when we can instead of using the car.

  3. I recycle, reuse tv dinner containers which are great for reheating food in the microwave,keep lights off and blinds closed,unplug appliances when not in use.Thanks for the really awesome giveaway! :)

  4. We recycle paper, plastic, glass, tin, cardboard and all bottles. We went from taking a garbage bag out once a day to maybe once a week because of the recycling.


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