Monday, September 24, 2012

Top 5 Things I No Longer Care About

After you become a parent, a lot of your priorities change. As do things that you care about - or find a necessity.

Here is my list of the top five things I no longer care about:

1. Making the bed.

I used to have this OCD-type thing when it came to making the bed. I would get mad at Chris for not making it. Now he makes it more than I do. If people come over, I just shut the door. I have time for that, but not making the bed.

2. Bathing on a daily basis. 

A shower has become a privilege not a necessity. Unless I am leaving the house and am forced to look presentable, sometimes I don't even get dressed. I'm sure the Purolator guy loves it when I answer the door in sweat pants and an old Backstreet Boys concert tee. I know I do.

3. My hair.

I used to blow dry my hair every day and style it as best as I could. It was nicely highlighted. Now it's roots-arama, and gets thrown in greasy pony tails (see showering is a privilege above) more than I'd like to admit. Also Hannah likes to pull on it, so up is better (and less hurtful). (Full disclosure - I'm getting my highlights back on Friday - just in time for our first family trip. Yay!)

4. Wearing make-up.

I started wearing make-up in OAC (back when Ontario still had grade "13"). This obsession grew slowly, but eventually I refused to leave the house without foundation, lip gloss, eye shadow or eye liner. Now sometimes I go out sans make-up, even sans eyebrow plucking. This is also cost-effective as I buy less make-up. Although, my skin isn't any better regardless of the foundation hiatus (even if I DO moisturise daily - that's something I haven't given up).

5. Going dinner, the movies, the bar.

Most of my friends visit me at home. Occasionally, I get out to meet them at a mall. Even rarer: I get to dine or have drinks with them alone. While I miss my friends, I'm so obsessed with my baby I don't notice my lack of social life as much as I should. And my bank account is more focused on buying things for Hannah now than for myself.

I bet most of these things will become things I care about again when I go back to work and am out in the "real world" on a daily basis. But for the rest of my mat leave I'll enjoy PJ days, greasy ponytails, no makeup and unmade beds.

But I'll still be a hermit after work. I know I'll want to spend every waking hour I don't have to be at work with Hannah. She's my life now - not dinner and a movie.

What did you stop caring about after you became a parent?

© 2012 YYZ Bambina. All Rights Reserved.


  1. I can't agree more!!! Great post..I feel you on all five of these.

  2. I feel you! great post

  3. I agree about your ideas. I never make the bed anymore. Shower when I can, or when I go to work. Make-up only when I go to work. Date nights to the movies or restaurant are very infrequent, but I appreciate them when they come around.

    1. Glad to know I'm not the only one!

  4. I've given up all of these things. For four years and probably the next four as well! Ok I do take a shower everyday but the rest...

    I love that line "She's my life now"! My daughter and your daughter share the same name. And it's true... once you become a mom your priorities change, your focus changes...

  5. Anonymous9/25/2012

    Hi Sarah! I am writing to you from the ten plus years later vantage point, and telling you that your priorities are absolutely where they should be! Enjoy that baby! I know you hear it time and again about how fast they grow up, but sometimes there might be days when you really wish you could grab that shower or that hair wasn't greasy. Look at the big kids and think of me! My hair is getting blow-dried again (usually), and my kids are terrific. They just don't have that freshly washed baby hair smell before bed. Then again, they don't spit up on me or fill diapers either. Ok, every stage has its perks. :)

    1. Thanks for the insight! I often look at big kids and wonder how Hannah and I will be at that stage. Then I look at teenagers and just get scared :S

  6. Loved this post. I felt exactly the same way when I was on mat leave. I now have time for mascara and lip gloss but that's about it. One thing that did change is that I do like going out again. My kids are older and babysitters plentiful on my street, so dinners out have become a priority again. I still never go to movies though, I can't justify paying a babyisitter for a non-social activity that I could do at home. But having not to think about or make dinner? That I'll easily cough up a couple $20's for.

    1. So true - I think I've only seen one movie in theatres since she was born - but watched a gazillion at home (such an easy "date" night for parents). For now I drag her to restaurants - but it will be nice when I can dine and enjoy the food and not worry too much about what's going on at home.

  7. I can totally relate. I used to have bangs that required straightening daily. I'm so glad I decided to grow them out way before I had a baby because if I still had those bangs today, I'd be rocking a pretty crazy au naturel look.

    1. Yeah, I tried to figure out roots were even more hideous then - but I just couldn't stomach the smell of hair dye. Maybe next time I'll prepare my hair BEFORE getting pregnant...

  8. I was like that with my first girl...I felt like I would never get back to normal... except for the showering... I do it everyday but sometimes I have to wait until hubby gets home from work to be able to do it! Now with two... I've been getting a little more relaxed... and can do more... weird! But It's definitely incredible how many things change when you have kids... right!? Happy Saturday Sharefest Day!

    1. It really is!

      Glad to hear things get better with two :)

  9. You hit the nail on the head with all of them! Loved this! Stopping by from SITS Saturday Sharefest! :)

  10. Priorities. Never enough time to get everything done.:)

    Stopping by from SITS to check out your blog. I'd love for you to come visit the Weekend Blog Walk if you get a chance at At Home Take 2.

    Jessica @ At Home Take 2


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